Sasha: It’s way too cold out there. What are you up to today, Cuz? Where’s Nia? August: She’s at a community event. So Janet and I are just hanging out here today. August: Hey, where do you think you’re going? Janet: Daddy please, please can I go sledding? Ty said he would take me! August: Where did this come from? Last week when we were out there, you said you weren’t ready to try. You were pretty scared. Janet: Well, I’ve thought about it and I want to do it. And the snow is about to melt. I saw it on the news. If I don’t do it now, who knows when I’ll be able to try again. Maya is coming too. August: So we’re watching the news now? Okay brave girl. But Ty gets kind of wild and Maya's no better. I’ll just take you. Sasha: Don’t worry. I’ll go with them. I’m about to go pick up Gordy anyway. And I’ll call Dominick so we can keep the older kids from getting too crazy. August: Okay that sounds like a plan. But you listen to Sasha. You know if you come home with even a little scratch, I’m going to be in big trouble with your mom. Janet: I will. Thank you Daddy! Dominick: There’s still plenty of snow out here. Y’all ready? Kids: Yeah! Dominick: I should have known I’d be doing all the work! Gordy: I’ll go! Head first! Sasha: Gordy, really? Just sit up and hold the rope. Maya: He’ll be alright. Ty: I’ll give you a push. Gordy: Ahhhhh! Maya: (Giggling) I should have taken a video. That would go viral. You alright? Gordy: That was epic! I think I flew! Maya: I’m next. No hands! Sasha: Maya! Hold on! I need to bring you home in one piece. We’re outta here ‘cause y’all don’t know how to act. Ty: One more person has to go. Come on Janet. Don’t pay any attention to them. We’ll do it the right way. Sasha: Ty, I’m not playing. Be careful. Ty: I got you. Ready? Janet: Let’s go!!!!!! Sasha: Janet hold the rope! Dominick: You did great! Let’s head home. Did you have a good time? Kids: Yeah! Janet: Daddy, I did it! I went with Ty on the sled and it was amazing! We went so fast! August: Hey! Go Baby Girl, and you’re back in one piece! Ty: We didn’t go that fast. Sasha: She just made up her mind and did it! August: I’m so proud of you! Hang those wet coats in the garage. Come get some hot chocolate and warm up. Nia: Hey everybody. It looks like I’m late to the party! What did I miss? August: Hey Honey! The crew just had a little adventure. Sasha: Girl, where’ve you been looking so fabulous? Nia: Thank you! My friend invited me to a luncheon. Nia: Baby, why do you have your earmuffs on in the house? Janet: I’m still warming up. You should have seen me Mommy. I wanted to go sledding before the snow melts. I was really brave. It was the best day ever! Nia: Really? Just give me few minutes to change my clothes. I want to hear all about it! Thank you all for giving my big girl such a great day!